Photography in Tulip fields

Posted by Svetlana Boyko Photography on  February 13, 2020
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Tulip sessions are becoming more popular among the farms to grow tulips. Here is a few things you need to know about taking pictures on the farm for best experience.  Tulips only bloom 3 weeks maximum depending on the weather. If it is raining a lot it may shorten the blooming period.  Farm do get popular during that time my. best recommended time to come during a week for best experience  Online advance tickets are cheaper then at farm on the spot Plan early outfits and shoes . It is best to have a change of outfit so as rain boots it is a farm after all.  Watch the weather .Weather can be a big factor in outcome of the pictures. If it is sunny it is not always good. Harsh sun will have shadow on the face as spots and some times no matter how great photographer you choose it will be impossible to remove . Come prepared. Always good to have snack and drink for the kids. The best time is opening time. While it does sound like a haste to come at 9 am in weekday to a farm. I guarantee you it is worth it . While it is less people and better sun condition it make up for the great experience of the colorful tulips. Be flexible . It may sound too much but I do take pictures on sun down or cloudy days for best results. that. when lighting is even and pleasant to eyes. It is weather pending. If you do interested in the tulips you must have flexibility on your available times as it is very difficult to predict the weather a weeks in advance.  The best time is to know is a day or two before the actually session. Communication is the key.  Talk to a photographer to make sure you both know each others availability.  Know what you will see during a weekend hours.Some people may say it is ok I am not available during a week and I still want to visit. More then welcome to visit anytime you like but please know it is a lot a lot of people makes it nearly impossible to photograph anyone without been in the backgrounds of each other. Sometime it take few hours in line to get in on t he farm.  Bottom line is tulips make most unforgettable pictures for kids or families and will make up for extra efforts of you adjusting schedule or coming during a weekday .  Have an amazing pictures