When workings with children. I do evervthing I can to move at a fun quick pace. You may be asked to get their attention during the session. Even though you may be allowed a hour for shooting, doesn’t mean your little one will allow for me to capture them that long. (No camera is allowed including smart phones to take pictures during
- CLEAN PICTURES. These photos are first and will last about 10 mins long. will be able to capture your little one’s expressions while they are calm and clean. During this part of the session. be prepared to be running around after your little one. At this age they are always on the go, so wear cool clothing… you may break a sweat. :
- Don’t be surprised it you little one gets frustrated with being confined to one place. just have some of his favorite things ready to distract him while he is there.
Messy Pictues
- This part feels even faster! Once we bring in the cake. the photo session usual takes about 15-30 minutes.
- WARNING: Most little ones cry during this process. Some a lot, some a a little some not at all.
They get messy, they get tired, they no longer want to be on this backdrop. This is when vou break out their tavorite treats & songs so make sure to save the best for last! But just know – we will stick it out & keep shooting. Some of the best photos come
water bottle / sippv cup (the get thirstv)
snacks (puffs or something the love to eat to stick in the cake)
clean towel (for cleon un)
plastic bags for mess outfit
You will have vour sneak peek posted to Facebook/Instagram within 2-3. days
You will receive an email with Your online gallery information
If you have any questions – please feel free to text me or email