Sending out Save the Dates are important for a few different reasons:
-It is especially important to send them out if you have a lot of out of town guests planning to attend the wedding. This gives them plenty of time to prepare for travel.
– It’s also good to send them out because if your wedding is around the same time as school breaks (spring, fall, etc.), people will be planning their family vacations and will need to know to schedule around your wedding.
– Many things could pop up between now and the time that your invites are sent (usually about two months prior to the wedding) and you don’t want your guests to make other plans and not be able to attend.
– Sending out Save the Dates gives your guests the opportunity to pencil you into their schedules.
There are many different ways you can use your Save the Date photos. Here are just a few examples:
- You can send out cards – standard, folded, or tri-folds. There are different sizes and options, galore!
- You could opt to send out postcards instead and not have to deal with the envelopes.
- Turn your photos into Save the Date magnets. This is great because your guests can place it on their fridge and have a constant reminder of your date.
- You can also turn your photos into other fun things you can use at your wedding – like a guest book or signing poster, etc.